Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Preface to the Thoughts/Stories to Come

Living in a world of judgement and indignation
of cruel intentions and a fight over control of a nation
Living in this world, begs for bloody tears,
stemming from lashes of whips I like to call self righteousness and "justice"
Coming from people who are hypocrites and practice intolerance
From people who cannot fathom the possibility of choosing a reality outside of theirs
By Reality I mean choices, and by choices I mean life
Judgement from people who tell you your life is value-less
Those words tear people apart, it's ruthless
Because a persons life is what gives them life
To judge their life is to literally judge their life, their existence
Instead, why not empower? Why not educate, instead why not investigate
What one fails to sympathize or internalize?
This is what this blog attempts to do
to look at lives and attempt to
understand them and decipher the value
Because everyone has value, everyone has worth.
Everyones story has meaning or truth to someone
I could only hope to be that someone...

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