Friday, August 28, 2020

Some lost thoughts

It is so hard to control emotions, i get the notion

that will not change

I desire a devotion, a passion as strong as the ocean

So different, it would be so strange

how do i find myself amongst all this chaos in my head

I crave to bravely take on this challenge

But I am terrified to face all that trauma instead

I do not know how I would manage

I have felt hurt, pain, and loneliness so deeply I have scars

I once met a woman who made me proud to show them as battle contusions

Bur alas she has been called up above the stars

Her teachings so powerful, in her honor I'd start a revolution

Have you ever met anyone so great everything they touched turned to love?

Whose love, intelligence, and motivation was all you felt you needed to succeed

Whose effect is long lasting even when its radiating from up above

In your honor, all is left is to spread those good deeds

That's what I'll do...

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

You're so insecure, you probably think this post is about you

 I have never been with someone so insecure...

I can taste your insults when you yell them at me...

You have such sadness and rage...

You bring out the worst in me...

How do we continue a life together when what we have is so fragile

Anything could make it crash, anything can make it fall

I used to think love could make you walk 100 miles

Feels like lately love is at a stall

Barely moving, barely growing, hardly showing.... each other love.